Report on the 1st Executive Seminar for Diplomats from Jordan by Rahaf Quran and Awn Alhadid (Jordan)

Attending the ‘Training for International Diplomats’ programme in Berlin was a pivotal experience that expanded our horizons and broadened our understanding of global diplomacy. Heading into such an important centre for diplomacy and networking as Germany, our expectations were high as we embarked on this enriching journey, eager to delve into a diverse array of topics and engage with fellow diplomats from Germany.


The programme spanned the period from 19 to 25 February 2023, and was meticulously designed to cover a wide spectrum of diplomatic practices and contemporary global issues. Structured workshops, interactive sessions and engaging lectures formed the core components of this immersive experience.


Throughout the programme, there were sessions that left an indelible mark on our understanding of diplomacy. One such instance was the discourse on Germany and the European Union, where we really got to understand the mind-set of German politicians in relation to the policies of the European Union, and the dynamics of the fascinating relationship. Additionally, the discussion with MP Niels Annen was particularly enlightening.


Moreover, the programme team were a delight to work with. Ambassador Siefker-Eberle, who once lived and served in Jordan, made us feel at home away from home. Nils, Franziska, and Paula were three new friends we all had the pleasure of making.


Interacting with German diplomats fostered an environment of rich cultural exchange. Engaging in discussions about diplomatic practices and global challenges provided invaluable insights into varying perspectives and approaches. These interactions transcended mere networking; they were invaluable opportunities to understand the nuances of diplomacy through a multicultural lens.


The knowledge gleaned from the programme holds immense practical significance in our role as Jordanian diplomats. For instance, the discussions on the European Neighbourhood Policy have direct implications for the EU’s relations and policies towards the Middle East, particularly Jordan. Integrating the strategies discussed during the programme into our diplomatic approach could yield promising outcomes, especially as regards strengthening the historic ties between Jordan and Germany.


This experience has been transformative, both professionally and personally. Overcoming the challenges of navigating cultural differences and diverse viewpoints has honed our abilities to adapt and collaborate effectively on an international stage. Furthermore, the exposure to multifaceted perspectives has enriched our diplomatic repertoire, making us more adept at understanding and navigating complex global issues.


In conclusion, the ‘Training for International Diplomats’ programme in Berlin was a profound journey that significantly contributed to our growth as diplomats. The amalgamation of theoretical knowledge, cultural exchange and practical insights has fortified our approach to diplomacy. This experience has not only broadened our perspectives but has also equipped us with a nuanced understanding essential for fostering diplomatic relationships in an ever-evolving global landscape.